BASH notes

which not working to find program

If you do a which and the program isn’t in your path, but it shows as installed, try this. Example with iptables:

whereis iptables

Simple Prompt that tells you if the last command failed or not

This prompt one is only if emojis already work in your terminal :3 so make sure you can enable utf-8 for your terminal first:

PS1="\`if [ \$? = 0 ]; then echo πŸ’™; else echo πŸ˜”; fi\` \[\e[94m\][\@]\[\e[0m\]\\$ "

Use this one if you don’t have emojis in your terminal

# prompt will show ^_^ on successful commands or O_O on failures, then user, then time
PS1="\`if [ \$? = 0 ]; then echo \[\e[32m\]^_^\[\e[0m\]; else echo \[\e[31m\]O_O\[\e[0m\]; fi\`[\u.\@]\\$ "

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