Markdown Magic

All the little things in markdown that we often forget…

Collapsable sections in markdown

This gist is helpful for and specifically:

But the above doesn’t work on my jekyll based github pages docs, so I found this: Jekyll Text Expand or Collapsible Markdown

Working Example

And that didn’t work either 🙃 which was frustrating, so then I found this repo: github/jekyll-commonmark-ghpages

and the answer was this being added to my _config.yml for my jekyll site:

markdown: CommonMarkGhPages
  options: ["UNSAFE", "SMART", "FOOTNOTES"]
  extensions: ["strikethrough", "autolink", "table", "tagfilter"]

Then at last this worked in my markdown file:


Check out this bash syntax highlighted block:

  brew install python@3.12

Markdown for the above example:


    Below, you can change the first ``` to ```bash for syntax highlighting :)
    Checkout this regular code block:

    brew install python@3.12


Sources to this page specifically if you want to look at the raw: