
Mac Emoji Keyboard Shortcut: control + cmd + space

Using modern bash on macOS

macOS ships with BASH 3.x, and that’s pretty behind, so we generally always upgrade it, and then set a few things.

brew install bash

Whereever brew installs bash for you, set that in /etc/shells, so in our case, we get:

# add your new bash path to the acceptable shells list
sudo echo "/usr/local/bin/bash" >> /etc/shells

# set your shell for your user to the shell you echoed above
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash $(whoami)

Disable BASH chsh warning

Add the following to your BASH profile:



you can run

defaults write com.apple.finder QuitMenuItem -bool YES && killall

Finder command in the Terminal, after that you can exit Finder with ⌘Q just like any other app. It won’t help to remove Finder from the Dock though.

To revert, run:

defaults write com.apple.finder QuitMenuItem -bool NO && killall Finder

This is such a pain, right? Why does mac want its dock to look so cluttered?


TouchiD for sudo auth:

Add auth sufficient pam_tid.so to line 2 of /etc/pam.d/sudo


# sudo: auth account password session
auth       sufficient     pam_tid.so
auth       sufficient     pam_smartcard.so
auth       required       pam_opendirectory.so
account    required       pam_permit.so
password   required       pam_deny.so
session    required       pam_permit.so

Awesome Lists

  • Awesome Mac has a list of like every tool you care about for every category, and has a good system to determine which things are FOSS vs Free vs Paid.

  • Awesome macOS open source applications is just open source stuff, skipping the app store all together, hopefully. I haven’t verified everything.